Trusting God with 2021


Christy Garrison

Do you fear bad news? If you do, you are not alone, but this is not what God wants for you.

“A formal beginning or introduction”  This is the definition of inauguration.  How fitting that it falls at the beginning of a new year!  This is a formal beginning indeed.  We are welcoming not only a new year, but new leadership as well.  Looking at scripture, we see in Daniel 2:21 a reminder…

“He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings.”  

Daniel 2:21

I’m fairly certain this evokes emotions of some sort from most of the population.  Coming out of 2020, a year full of turmoil and change, division and fear, I can honestly say I am ready to see things calm down and I would welcome a simpler, quieter, more peaceful year.  Yet as I sit here writing, I realize that God is less interested in my comfort and more interested in my growth, and His plans are so much bigger and so much better than mine.  So I have a choice.  I can rest in Him, keeping my eyes focused upward, or I can give into the emotions that so quickly bubble up when I look around me at a world that is so broken.

When I was first asked to consider writing a blog for January that might pertain in some way to the inauguration I thought, “Oh, thanks!  What in the world would God have me share about such a topic after the year we have just come out of!”  I was greatly intimidated at the thought of writing something pertaining to an event that brings out very deep emotions for most of us.  As I sat at my kitchen table, searching scripture, the Spirit began to give me a very clear and comforting message…

the KING OF KINGS….He is the king OF kings.  

Let’s keep things in the right perspective… our Lord is the Alpha and the Omega – the beginning and the end.  He has always been and He will always be.  He spoke and the world came into existence.  He formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed life into him.  We are His creation.  The creation can never be greater than the Creator!  God is still God and no change of leadership or change of date affects that in any way!  In Jesus’ own words, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in Me.” (John 14:1) 

He was speaking to his disciples, regarding a huge change that was imminent…He was about to be arrested, tried and crucified.  The disciples’ life would never be the same!  Just stop for a moment and think about that!  These men have given their lives for the last three years or so to follow Him, learn from Him, and help share His message of salvation.  He knew this was going to rock their world!!  Yet Jesus’ words are so simple and so comforting as he commands them not to let their hearts be troubled – reminding them of their belief in God and reminding them who He is – the son of God.  

In preparing for this blog, I was led to the Psalms over and over again.  I was seeing a pattern and I would love to share it with you!  

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”  

Psalms 20:7

My husband and I had fun discussing this one.  What might chariots and horses equate to in our time?  Military power, wealth, or strength?  Whatever it is, we are reminded that despite the temptation to trust in these things that the world touts as worthy of our affection, praise and trust, those affections are misplaced if they are not in the Lord!  He alone is worthy.  (Just to be clear, no political party – past, present or future – is going to save the world!  Salvation is God’s business alone!)

“My salvation and my glory rest on God; The rock of my strength, my refuge is God. Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your hearts before Him; God is refuge for us.”  

Psalm 62: 7-8

David is reminding us again that in God we have a solid rock and a safe place.  He reminds us to trust in Him at all times.  I’ve got news for you… this isn’t the first time that our country has been deeply divided.  This isn’t the first time that the world has been in a state of turmoil and struggle.  We humans tend to be good at messing things up and causing all sorts of problems, yet through all of the craziness, God has not stepped down from his throne.  He has not turned his face or taken a nap.  He hasn’t changed, friend!  He is still our refuge, our rock and our salvation!

“For the righteous will never be moved; He will be remembered forever. He is not afraid of bad news;  His heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. His heart is steady; He will not be afraid, until He looks in triumph on his adversaries.”  

Psalm 112: 6-8

Do you fear bad news?  If you do, you are not alone, but this is not what God wants for you.   In this world where bad news seems to be peddled from every street corner and every social media platform, God has better for you!  By simply trusting Him, you can free yourself of that fear.  What is to fear if you have placed your trust in God?  Your salvation is secure!  Your eternal destiny is settled!! 

Finally, the Lord led me to this gem in Psalm 118 : 8-9 “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.”  I see a theme in these passages from Psalms that is reiterated here.  For the believer, God is our refuge.  Humans WILL fail us.  Princes (leaders) WILL fail us.  God is our safe place.  If you close your eyes and imagine yourself seeking refuge, what does your mind’s eye see? 

I see a cozy, inviting cave of sorts that is strong and safe and dry (because if I am looking for a refuge it’s to escape a storm right?), and somewhat hidden away.  This refuge is only going to protect me from the storm if I choose to enter into it.  In the same way, we must make the conscious choice to take refuge in Christ.  We must trust Him.  When we do, we can rest peacefully, knowing that no matter what storm rages around us, we are safe in Him!

I leave you with this from Jeremiah 17 : 7-8.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is in the Lord.  He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and it is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” 

Jeremiah 17 : 7-8

I encourage you to talk to the Lord.  Tell him your fears and your worries.  I promise you He can handle it!  Then open your Bible and let His word whisper to those deep, vulnerable recesses of your heart. His words are full of life and hope! 

May the Lord bless you and keep you, friend!  I pray you will seek Him, and find your refuge in Him.  I pray that we will each be like that tree planted by the water that doesn’t fear the heat nor the drought, but continues to bear fruit!  May 2021 be a year that you grow in the Lord and walk in step with Him, safe in His shadow and confident in who you are in Him.  No change this year can bring will be a surprise to Him!  He is worthy of our trust!

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